Studio Ghibli, Inc. (スタジオジブリ), is a Japanese animation film studio headquartered in Koganei, Tokyo. They were founded by Isao Takahata, Hayao Miyazaki, Toshio Suzuki, and Yasuyoshi Tokuma.

The studio is best known for its animated feature films, and has also produced several short subjects, television commercials, and one television film. It has also collaborated with video game studios on the visual development of several video games. Five of the studio's films are among the ten highest-grossing anime feature films made in Japan. Spirited Away is second, grossing 31.68 billion yen in Japan and over US$380 million worldwide, and Princess Mononoke is fourth, grossing 20.18 billion yen.

The company's logo features the character Totoro from Hayao Miyazaki's film My Neighbor Totoro.

Logo Studio Ghibli

Hayao Miyazaki
Foto de Hayao Miyazaki
Isao Takahata
Foto de Isao Takahata
Yoshifumi Kondō
Foto de Yoshifumi Kondō
Hiroyuki Morita
Foto de Hiroyuki Morita
Gorō Miyazaki
Foto de Gorō Miyazaki
Hiromasa Yonebayashi
Foto de Hiromasa Yonebayashi

Movies by director

Characters by gender

Movies by score